MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Tuesday, May 4th (HR 1): 6th grade Quiz Bowl match #3 in the TAG room (Hatti C, Justyce R, Laney K, Colton L and Kannon B).
Tuesday, May 4th (HR 2): 7th grade Quiz Bowl match #3 in the TAG room (Ethan O, Kati G, Will R, Merissa K, Carter H, Damian O).
Wednesday, May 5th (HR 1): Meeting for 6th graders that are registered for the 2022 DC Tour in Mrs. Rzepiejewski’s room.
Wednesday, May 5th (HR 2): Meeting for 7th graders that are registered for the 2022 DC Tour in Mrs. Rzepiejewski’s room.
General Announcements:
HS Student Council Elections: High School Student Council elections are next week. If you are interested in running, please fill out the google form in your email. Mrs. Berger will add you to the ballot for your grade. Entries are due by this Friday.