MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled at this time.
General Announcements:
ATTENTION 8TH GRADE LADY BUFFS! Do you like golf? Are you remotely interested in golf? Do you want to play in great weather in the fall? Would you like to be a part of the first Mondovi Girls’ Golf Team? Come check out the details at a meeting TODAY during MSR in the band room!
Congratulations to the newest High School Student Council members! Alison Butler, Julia Heike, Amber Lund and Aiden Vollmer. There will be a short meeting during MSR Wednesday in Mrs. Berger's room.
“Bake Sale for Veterans”:The 6th grade Life Skills Class will be holding a bake sale Thursday and Friday as their service learning project. Bake sale items are $1.50 and will be sold only during the middle school lunch periods.