MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled at this time.
General Announcements:
“Bake Sale for Veterans”:The 6th grade Life Skills Class will be holding a bake sale TODAY and Friday as their service learning project. Bake sale items are $1.50 and will be sold only during the middle school lunch periods.
Attention 8th Grade Lady Buffaloes: There is a sign-up sheet on the golf board outside the band room for the Girls Golf Team this fall!
Minor/Major Weekly Update: All 3 grades had less than 6 minors/majors for disrespect and defiance last week! Great job! However, there were some last week and some this week, so for the month of May, we have 17. Remember the goal is to keep it under 20 this month so we can enjoy an hour-long picnic lunch/recess. We have only 7 days to go so let's do our best to be respectful and follow expectations!