MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled at this time.
General Announcements:
Open Weight Room: After school starting this week. Please see the schedule posted on the weight room door for dates and times.
6th Grade Volleyball: 6th grade volleyball registration forms are due back to the MS office by Friday, September 10th. If you did not receive a form at 6th grade orientation, please pick one up from the office.
Lost and Found: Please check for your lost items near the large gym hallway (by the weight room). Any items not claimed by September 10th will be donated.
MS/HS Picture Day: Wednesday, September 15th, in the Buffalo Lobby. Pictures can be ordered online at beginning two weeks prior to picture day using code FM367621. Forms were handed out to students with their Chromebooks and additional forms will be available in the office as needed.