MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled at this time.
General Announcements:
Rotation Change: Class days for Band and Choir will be trading September 13th-17th & 20-24th only. Band 7/8 will meet during MSR on Tuesday/Friday and MS Choir will meet Monday/Thursday.
Student Council: Are you interested in joining student council? Every year two boys and two girls are elected to represent their grade-four new members per grade! Pick up an application from Mr. Schauer. If you decide to apply, you can make a poster to be hung up in the hallway to promote yourself. Posters are due to Mr. Schauer by TODAY. Voting will be on Wednesday. New members will be announced Friday, September 24th. Thanks, and good luck!
Summer Reading Forms: Turn into Mrs. Sandberg by TODAY.
Book Orders: Money should be turned into Mrs. Sandberg by Monday, Monday.
Speed School: Speed School will begin Thursday, September 24th and will run Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:15.
Open Weight Room: Please see the schedule posted on the weight room door for dates and times.