MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled at this time.
General Announcements:
Art Show Submissions: Do you want your art to be displayed in a virtual art show? Submit your work to Mrs. Miles by TODAY. Email her if you have any questions.
Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found by the weight room entrance. Any unclaimed items will be donated TODAY.
FUTP60 Strawberry Smoothies/Dodgeball: Smoothies can be purchased for $1 on Fridays accompanied by Dodgeball in the gym. Different grades are rotated each week and only the indicated grade is allowed to participate. That grade will report to the gym for the 2nd half of lunch and through Homeroom. TODAY’s rotation: No smoothies today, possible Dodgeball during the 2nd lunch shift.
Yearbooks: Order your middle school yearbooks by April 8th at (use code YB114120). The cost is $16.00.
Open Weight Room: Please see the schedule posted on the weight room door for dates and times.