MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Wednesday, May 11th: Volleyball sign up meeting in the Multi Lobby.
Thursday, May 12th: FUTP60 meeting w/ Mrs. Brenner.
General Announcements:
FUTP60 Strawberry Smoothies/Dodgeball: Smoothies can be purchased for $1 on Fridays accompanied by Dodgeball in the gym. Different grades are rotated each week and only the indicated grade is allowed to participate. That grade will report to the gym for the 2nd half of lunch and through Homeroom. TODAY’s rotation: No activity this week.
Soccer Registration: Mondovi Community Youth Soccer registration is Saturday at the Marten Center, 12:00-3:00pm. An information sheet can be picked up in the Middle School Office. Any questions should be directed to Mondovi MCYS via Facebook.
Student Council: Any 8th graders interested in joining student council next year, all you need to do to enter the election is send Mrs. Berger an email stating why you would make a good student council member. Your answer will be put on the ballot for students to make their selections. Please submit by Friday, May 13th. See Mrs. Berger with any questions.
MS Girls’ Golf: There will be a Girls’ Golf Team meeting during MSR in the band room on Friday, May 13th for those 8th grade girls interested in joining this fall. No golf experience is necessary and being in dual sports is possible.
Open Weight Room: There will be NO open weight room this week.