
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Wednesday, Mary 25th: FUTP60 meeting with Mrs. Brenner.

Thursday, May 26th: Meeting in Coach Christianson’s room at 12:20 for 8th grade boys planning to play basketball next year.  Please note the adjusted time due to the early release.

General Announcements:

Football Sign-Up & Meeting: If you are interested in playing football this fall, please sign up at lunch today.  (Current 6th or 7th graders, sign up on the MS FOOTBALL form.  Current 8th graders, sign up on the HS FOOTBALL form.)  Current 6th & 7th graders will also meet in Coach Lo's room for lunch TODAY for a brief meeting.  Current 8th graders will meet during MSR TODAY in the cafeteria with the HS team for a brief meeting (report after MSR attendance). 

Student Council Raffle Items: Through TODAY, the middle & high school student councils are raising money in honor of the Chippewa Falls girl who passed away.  The middle school can check out raffle baskets & buy tickets during lunch.  Basket tickets are $1.  JBL Bluetooth Speaker tickets are $2.

Returning Chromebooks: Chromebooks will be collected Friday!  8th graders will turn in their chromebooks in the Buffalo Lobby before they load the buses for their field trip.  Brad will start collecting chromebooks beginning at 7:45.  All other students will be called to the Buffalo lobby alphabetically throughout the morning.  Please be sure to turn in your chromebook, bag and charger.

FUTP60 Strawberry Smoothies/Dodgeball:  There will be no smoothies on Friday.  The dodgeball rotation will be 6th graders.

Cross Country Sign-Up: Any student interested in Cross Country next fall needs to sign up on the registration sheet outside Coach Hass's office.  Further information regarding summer training and the upcoming season will be shared at a later time.