MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings scheduled.
General Announcements:
Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found located by the weight room. Anything not claimed will be donated after TODAY.
Fuel Up To Play 60: Any student interested in joining or learning more about FUTP60 should report to Homeroom Wednesday and then meet in the Health room.
6th Grade Volleyball: Any 6th grade girls interested in playing volleyball, please fill out the form that was sent to your email.
MS Yearbook: Do you love taking photos of family and friends, editing photos with graphic design and text or are you interested in learning career skills like desktop publishing? Join the yearbook staff! Spots are limited. See Ms. Huth with questions or show your interest by clicking on the following link and filling out an application.
MS Forensics: The MMS forensic team needs you! We travel to meets, have fun with friends, meet new people, learn new skills, and share creative talents. See Mrs. Miles or Mrs. Huth with questions. Check out the following link for more information.