
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

Musical Auditions: Auditions for this year's musical production will be TODAY-Friday.  Sign up for an audition time outside the choir room door and pick up an audition sheet.  If you do not want a lead role but still want to be on stage, you will have a guaranteed spot in the cast.  If you are interested in helping backstage (set design, tech, costumes/makeup, etc.), talk to Mr. Klein to see how you can help out. 

Summer Reading Sheets: Please hand in your summer reading sheets to Mrs. Sandberg by September 16th.  Your ELA teacher has extras.

MS VEX Robotics: Mondovi MS will be having a VEX Robotics club once again this year!  Watch this VIDEO to see what the competition is this season.  If interested, stop by Mr. Lehman's room for an application.  Applications should be completed and returned to Mr. Lehman by 3:30 pm on Friday, September 26th.

MS Yearbook: Do you love taking photos of family and friends, editing photos with graphic design and text or are you interested in learning career skills like desktop publishing?  Join the yearbook staff!  Spots are limited.  See Ms. Huth with questions or show your interest by clicking on the following link and filling out an application.  https://forms.gle/tjgnYZbgic6yNBzW6

MS Forensics: The MMS forensic team needs you!  We travel to meets, have fun with friends, meet new people, learn new skills, and share creative talents. See Mrs. Miles or Mrs. Huth with questions. Check out the following link for more information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RQATqYnYfSNy6D44urreXvbCY5g7oEe1tk8QkkUy0IU/edit?usp=sharing