MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, October 6th: 8th grade Quiz Bowl meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
Thursday, October 6th: FFA meeting in Ms. White’s room.
Tuesday, October 11th: FFA Fruit Sale kickoff meeting in the Ag Shop.
General Announcements:
Flu Clinic: Friday from 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM, in the Community Room (located by the District Office at Door #5). This clinic is only for children aged 18 or younger. Information regarding the flu clinic and a consent form were emailed to all MS/HS parents. If you need a hard copy of the consent form, please pick one up from the office or Mrs. Poeschel. If you plan to get the flu shot, the consent form will need to be completed by a parent/guardian and it can be returned to the office or school nurse by TODAY or you may bring it with you on the day of vaccination. Students will not be vaccinated without their parent or guardian's consent.
MS Art Trip: Watch for the weather on Friday and dress accordingly. Remember to bring your lunch if that's what you selected.