
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

FFA Fruit Sale: All FFA members need to pick up their fruit sale packets by the end of the day TODAY.

Locker room:  Any middle school football player that is not playing basketball needs to move from the large locker to a small locker.  Clean out your locker by TONIGHT.  Please let your PE teacher know what locker number you took.  Starting Monday, all MS boys’ basketball players will be assigned a large locker. 

Community Event: There will be a Best Mullet contest at CCF Bank on Saturday at 1:00PM.  Registration is $5.  Mullets will be judged on length, thickness, arrangement, and uniqueness.  1st Place = $100, 2nd Place = $50, 3rd Place = $25.

Halloween Dance: The middle school Halloween dance will be taking place Thursday,  October 20th, from 3:30-6:00.  There will be a $5.00 admission fee which includes a slice of pizza, a soda and chips.  Costumes are welcome but not required.

MS/HS Picture Retake Day: Thursday morning, October 27th, in the Buffalo Lobby.  Pictures can be ordered online at www.strawbridge.net prior to retake day using code FM390606.  If having retakes done, students should give their original picture package to the photographers that day.  Picture order forms are available in the office if needed.