
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

MS Yearbook Meeting: TODAY during lunch with Ms. Huth.  This meeting is just for the layout/design team (Alayna, Courtney, Faith, Indigo, Kyli, Maggie & Maverick).

MS/HS Picture Retake Day: Thursday morning, in the Buffalo Lobby.  Pictures can be ordered online at www.strawbridge.net prior to retake day using code FM390606.  If having retakes done, students should give their original picture package to the photographers that day.  Picture order forms are available in the office if needed.

Mrs. Lehman will be running a "Stress and Anxiety" group for 6th-8th graders starting at the beginning of November. This group will meet from November 1st through the end of the month on Tuesdays and Thursdays during homeroom time. If you are interested, fill out the form that was sent to your email or see Mrs. Lehman!