
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, November 3rd: 6th grade Quiz Bowl meeting.  Meet Ms. Johnson by the IMC.

General Announcements:

FFA Clothing Orders: Clothing orders are ready for pick up.

7th Grade Quiz Bowl Meeting: During lunch TODAY.  Meet Ms. Johnson by the IMC.

Football Fan Bus: Fans can sign up in the MS/HS office for a fan bus to the football game on Friday.  The cost is $10.00 (due when you sign up) and includes the price of the ticket to the game.  Fans must sign up by 3:15 TODAY.  Students 6th grade and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  If it is determined that there are not enough people signed up to run the fan bus, a message will be sent out canceling it and money will be refunded.  

8th Grade Quiz Bowl Meeting: During lunch Friday.  Meet Ms. Johnson by the IMC.

Early Dismissal: School will be closing at 1:00 on Friday in anticipation of the Level 3 WIAA football playoff game in Marshall.  The MS/HS will be running an adjusted schedule which has been emailed to all students.