
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Wednesday, November 9th: Any 7th or 8th grader interested in joining the Battle of the Books team should meet in Mrs. Berger's room.  Battle of the Books is for anyone who enjoys reading, likes to talk about books, and has a competitive side!  This meeting is purely informational!  If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Berger to get the information.

General Announcements:

6th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meeting TODAY at lunch in the room across from the IMC (Distance Learning Lab).

There will be a meeting in the Band room during MSR TODAY for all students interested in set building and painting.

Football Fan Bus: Fans can sign up in the MS/HS office for a fan bus to the football game on Friday.  The cost is $10.00 (due when you sign up) and includes the price of the ticket to the game.  Fans must sign up by 3:15 Thursday.  Students 6th grade and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  Plan on the bus departing at approximately 4:15 on Friday.  If it is determined that there are not enough people signed up to run the fan bus, a message will be sent out canceling it and money will be refunded.

Veteran’s Day Assembly: Friday at 1:30 in the large gym to pay tribute to our Veterans.  To help honor them, please wear red, white and blue on Friday to show your pride for our country and for those that have fought to maintain our freedom.

Reminder: This month's behavior focus is on language.  All instances of swearing, disrespectful or derogatory comments will be recorded as a minor or major.  Students with any minors or majors for language will miss out on the end-of-trimester celebration.