
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Wednesday, December 21st: MS/HS assembly in large gym.  You will be dismissed after attendance.

Monday, January 2nd: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.

General Announcements:

A ring was found outside Mrs. Berger’s room.  If you think it might be yours, see Mrs. Berger.

MS/HS assembly TODAY during Buffalo Time.  The following teachers will be playing basketball and lip syncing for the halftime performance: HS team: Poeschel, Jardine/Miles, and Hass, MS team: Ebner, Loscheider/Bauer, and Lehman. 

Dodgeball Tournament: The Student Council is hosting a dodgeball tournament Thursday.  Prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place teams.