MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Tuesday, February 6th: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
General Announcements:
Forensics Level 1 Competition: TODAY at South Middle School in Eau Claire. Students will be excused from MSR. If you need to change into your dress clothes, please do that immediately after 5th period before loading the bus. We leave from the Buffalo Lobby at 2:50 PM. Bring food/snacks/money for the concession stand. Parents should be here to pick up students at the middle school before 8:15 PM.
Winter Wellness Forms: Winter Wellness forms are due to the office by TOMORROW.
MS Yearbook Info: The photographer will be here to take academic and school sponsored activities group photos on Friday, February 3rd. Also, there is still time to order your yearbook! The cost is $16.00. Order at: If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Huth ( Please note, extra yearbooks will not be available for sale. All sales are online and need to be placed by February 24th.
Mondovi Youth Baseball & Softball Registration: Sunday, February 19th (5:00-7:00 pm) & Thursday, February 23rd (5:00-6:30 pm) at the Marten Center. Please pick up a registration packet in the MS/HS office. All questions/concerns can be directed to Mondovi Youth Ball at: