Wednesday, March 20, 2019
General Announcements:
Yearbook Work Time: After school TODAY in Mrs. Sandberg's room.
Attention Band/Choir Students: Please use the back hallway tomorrow when going to the band or choir room. The gym lobbies and district office hallway will be very busy due to Reality Check.
Regional Vocabulary Showdown: Thursday in the IMC. Please report to Mrs. Isaacson at 8:30 am. (Jaxon, Zack M, Zoey, Trey, Abby, Sofia, Keiryn, Zoe)
8th Grade Track Athletes: There will be a meeting in Mr. Richard’s room tomorrow during lunch. This meeting is for 8th graders only.
MS Golf: Please sign up outside Mr. Anderson’s room.
Spring Breakthrough Basketball Camp: April 6th & 7th for students in grades 4-9. Please pick up a form in the office for more information. Contact Breakthrough Basketball or Mrs. Brion with questions.
Arcadia’s 26th annual 3 on 3 tournament will be Saturday, April 13th for 5-8th grade boys & girls (grades & genders are in separate divisions). Only 6 teams will be accepted per division and the registration deadline is Monday, April 8th. Pick up a registration form in the office.
All sport teams & activity groups should submit their team photo, with names of participants and coaches, to Mrs. Sandberg for the middle school yearbook.