DUCK......Duck.....Duck.... GOOSE! Sunshine = Funtime!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Duck Duck Goose
February 28, 2022 2nd and 3rd grade concert (30 minutes)
almost 3 years ago, Paul Franzwa
Elementary Pride t-shirts are being sold as a fundraiser by the Elementary Student Council. The cost is $14.00 or $16.00 for XXL or XXXL. Make checks payable to The School District of Mondovi. All orders should be submitted to an elementary teacher or Leah in the elementary office by Tuesday, March 1st. Click on the link to see the design:
almost 3 years ago, Mondovi Elementary
Lots of love for our bus drivers!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
4K ~Always Thankful for our bus drivers~
When Mother Nature changes your well thougth out plans, you just do them the next day! Elementary Support Staff were ready for 2.22.22!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Elementary Support Staff were ready for 2.22.22!
almost 3 years ago, Paul Franzwa
Coming Soon to Mondovi Elementary!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Coming Soon!
I would like to inform you that with the recent school board decision to implement a new covid protocol, the elementary students (5K-5th grade) will be returning to the cafeteria for lunch. We plan to start transitioning the students next week (2/21-2/25) with the goal of having everyone down there by next Friday. For 4K-2nd grade students, breakfast will remain the same (in their classroom). We have found that with the time it takes to transition to the cafeteria and back, we gain more instructional time by having breakfast in the classroom. For 3rd-5th, there will be a minor change with the breakfast routine. They will be served in the cafeteria, but will return to their classroom to eat it. 3rd-5th grade students will continue to have the option to get a la carte items at breakfast if they would like. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to adapt to these recent changes. Mr. Franzwa
almost 3 years ago, Paul Franzwa
The COVID testing site at school is open today until 11:30. The site will be closed on Monday, February 21. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Shelly Teigen
Ms Tuve's class is working on some AWESOME EXPERIMENTS!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Ms. Tuve's Class does some AWESOME EXPERIMENTS!
4th Grade Celebrates 100 Days of Learning!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
4th Grade Celebrates 100 Days of Learning~
The 2nd graders in Mrs. Thompson's Class LOVE their new wobble seats! Thank you PTA!
almost 3 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders in Mrs. Thompson's Class LOVE their new wobble seats! Thank you, PTA!
The 2nd Graders in Mrs. Thompson's Class LOVE their new wobble seats! Thank you, PTA
The 2nd Graders in Mrs. Thompson's Class LOVE their new wobble seats! Thank you, PTA
The 2nd Graders in Mrs. Thompson's Class LOVE their new wobble seats. Thank you PTA!
Celebrating the Olympics! Go U.S.A.!! How exciting to track the medals count!
almost 3 years ago, Kari Julson
medal count
medal count
medal count
medal count
Happy 100th Day of School from Kindergarten! Here's a link to our 100th Day Fashion Show! Enjoy!
almost 3 years ago, Jackie Endle
100th Day
Happy 100th Day of School from Kindergarten! Here's a link to our 100th Day Fashion Show! Enjoy!
almost 3 years ago, Jackie Endle
5th Grade Ground Hog Predictions Are you ready ??
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
5th Grade is ready for Ground Hog Day
5th Grade Ground Hog Predictions Are you ready ??
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
5K PBIS Positive Message Poster
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Kid...You'll Move Mountains
February-Elementary Birthday Wishes
almost 3 years ago, Denise Marsolek
February Elementary Birthday Wishes
Click here to order an Elementary yearbook:
almost 3 years ago, Brad Elkins