2023 Swimming Pool Information
As stated by one clever second grader, "It's like the Leaning Tower of Peas-a!"
Second graders grew peas and corn, measured the plants, created line plots, and compared the data.
Cross your fingers that the plants arrive home safely!
Irvine Park day for first grade!
We put on a lot of miles.... around 5.5!
5th Grade take a look at the Civil War, up close and personal
Missoula Raffle Basket Winners!!
All proceeds from the raffle sales will go to
adding activities to our playground to keep
our students engaged!
THANK YOU to everyone that had a part in making this a success!
2nd Grade has been busy measuring lately!
2nd Grade Innovation!
Missoula Children's Theatre presents:
The Jungle Book!
This Friday in the Mondovi H.S. Multi!!
THANK YOU To all of our Playground Fundraiser Basket Raffle Donors!
Don't miss out ...Stop and buy some chances on some awesome baskets!
Popcorn! Bake Sale!
Missoula This Friday
2 shows...
1:30 for Elementary Students and Public
6:00 p.m. Public Performance
Tickets Sold at the door
$5 Under 5 free
5th Grade Shares Elementary Memories!
Missoula Children's Theatre will be in town next week!
Come support these awesome actors and actresses
with 2 public performance opportunities!
*Student Council Bake Sale
*Basket Raffles supporting Playground improvements
*Popcorn for the show!
We will be running a 2-hour delay this morning, April 17. No AM 4K or Early Childhood. #mondovipride
Big things are in the works!
You can be part of it!
Outdoor garden / work area....
What an AWESOME addition this will be!
Congratulations to MES 5th grader, Grace Schreiner, for representing Mondovi in the Mississippi Valley Gifted and Talented Network Regional Spelling Bee on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at Westby Middle School! #mondovipride
The Second Graders are enjoying GLOBAL PLAY DAY!
We are SNOW ready for Spring Break!
Look Out Nashville, the next best thing is heading your way!
Charlie Daniels has NOTHING on these guys!
Spring Please??
Looks like 3rd Grade is ready too!
WHY are YOU lucky?