Kindergarten share some Christmas Cheer~
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Kindergarten Christmas Cheer
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Grade class had a visitor! Mrs. Jelmeland (Mrs. Thompson's Mom) came to make a Christmas craft. We had a blast, and the trees turned out great!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Grade class had a visitor! Mrs. Jelmeland (Mrs. Thompson's Mom) came to make a Christmas craft. We had a blast, and the trees turned out great!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Grade class had a visitor! Mrs. Jelmeland (Mrs. Thompson's Mom) came to make a Christmas craft. We had a blast, and the trees turned out great!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Grade class had a visitor! Mrs. Jelmeland (Mrs. Thompson's Mom) came to make a Christmas craft. We had a blast, and the trees turned out great!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Grade class had a visitor! Mrs. Jelmeland (Mrs. Thompson's Mom) came to make a Christmas craft. We had a blast, and the trees turned out great!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
about 2 years ago, Carie Thompson
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
The 2nd Graders enjoyed lunch with friends and family today at school!
A Sea of Blue for the Football Team~
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Football Pep Rally Send Off
No matter how old they get, they will always be part of our Kindergarten Family! Best of luck to the Mondovi Football Team! We are ALL so proud of you!! (You better believe we will be bringing our BIG teacher voices to Madison on Thursday!!) GO BUFFS!!
about 2 years ago, Jackie Endle
Kindergarten has had some extra special visitors the last few days!! We are SO proud and excited for these boys and their teammates! Thank you for visiting us and for being awesome role models! Go Buffs!!
about 2 years ago, Jackie Endle
State Football
State Football
State Football
Child + Recess + SNOW = HAPPY....Happy....HAPPY!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Snow? Yes!!
Nothing better than a little bit of Fresh SNOW to make recess even better!!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Snow?? Yes Please!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Are you ready for some Football?
Mrs. Williams 3rd Class is ready for the Big Game too!!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
Mrs. Williams 3rd Grade
Welcome Families and Friends to American Education Week in the Elementary! We look forward to having some lunch and sharing a bit of our day with you!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
American Education Week
4th Grade created posters to cheer on the Mondovi Buffaloes Football Team!
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
4th Grade Well Wishes
2nd & 3rd Grade share what they are Thankful for~
about 2 years ago, Denise Marsolek
2nd & 3rd Grade sure are Thankful
Football Fan Bus: Fans can sign up in the MS/HS office for a fan bus to the football game on Thursday. The cost is $5.00 (due when you sign up). Fans must sign up by noon Wednesday. Students 6th grade and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. The bus will depart at 8:15 Thursday morning. Please note: Tickets must be purchased electronically per the WIAA ( Proof of ticket purchase must be shown by riders prior to boarding the bus. #mondovipride
about 2 years ago, Shelly Teigen