School Board
The Board of Education: The Board of Education is composed of seven members elected from the school district at large for three-year terms. The following comprise the present Board:
President - Jean Sandberg - Term Expires 2027
Vice President - Barrett Brenner - Term Expires 2025
Treasurer - Dave Falkner - Term Expires 2027
Clerk - Dan Linse - Term Expires 2027
Member - Amy Berger - Term Expires 2026
Member - Katie Schoonover- Term Expires 2025
Member - Chris Rud Term Expires 2026

Also seated with the Board of Education during the Board meetings are the following administrators and Deputy Clerk:
Jeff Rykal, Superintendent
Tyler Moy, Elementary School Principal
Darin Gray, Middle/High School Principal
Shelly Teigen, Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk
Kristi Zarins, Finance Manager
These Board members and administrators are interested in maintaining open communication with residents of the school district. Anyone having specific questions relative to board policies or actions should not hesitate to call the District Office at 926-3684. One may also communicate in writing by addressing a letter to the Superintendent at the School District of Mondovi, 337 North Jackson Street, Mondovi, WI 54755-1197 or at e-mail address
Board of Education Meetings: Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Education are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are held in the Community Room. All meetings are open to the public except the closed session portion of the meeting. The Board may meet more than once a month. The public is always notified of these meetings through the Mondovi Herald News; or if time does not allow, notification will be posted at the local Mondovi banks and the District Office entry area.
There are three types of meetings - the regular meeting, the special meeting, and the closed session meeting or portions of the meeting. It is suggested that people who have a specific topic to discuss at a Board meeting should call the District Administrator at the District Office and ask to be placed on the agenda. Agendas are submitted for publication on the Monday prior to the Board meeting (or the previous Friday, if an early newspaper deadline), so the request would have to be made before that date.
Some information the Board receives such as specific employee and student financial, medical, social, or personal histories or disciplinary data must be held as confidential information. Such personnel and student issues along with the consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation of public employees, specific business involving competitive or bargaining issues, and other exemptions to the open meeting law as provided in Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 are conducted in closed session. Announcements must be made as to topics that will be discussed in the closed session.
Individuals wishing to address the Board during the Community Communication portion of the meeting need to state their name and place of residence before giving their presentation. The Board may impose time limitations for the presentations and allow an individual the ability to give only one presentation at a given meeting. The Board will listen to presentations; but will not discuss, comment, or make decisions on the issues presented at that meeting unless it is an officially published agenda item. However, the Board may ask questions to clarify the intent of the presentation.
The Board of Education meetings are conducted in the public. They are not public meetings. The open meetings laws were enacted to provide the opportunity for the citizens to observe legislature bodies, boards, and other public entities conduct their business, not to provide active participation by citizens at a meeting. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is used as the official guide in conducting Board of Education meetings.
Please come to observe your local government in action. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the School District of Mondovi and programs sponsored for students.