Strategic Planning Focus Areas & Goals
Board approved on January 11, 2023
With the District Vision Statement in mind, the following District Strategic Plan and Building-Level goals have been set.
Focus Area #1: Social/Emotional Learning and Mental Health
Defined as: The School District of Mondovi will address the social/emotional and mental health needs of all students to ensure they are fully prepared to learn and be successful participants in our community.
The District will develop a plan to adequately screen all students, seeking input from staff, parents, and students.
The District will improve communication to increase parent awareness for student mental health services.
The District will work to expand the current available services.
The District will develop scheduling techniques for current in-person counseling services to decrease the stigma associated with receiving counseling services.
The District will develop a plan for students if current services are not adequate for their personal needs.
Focus Area #2: Community/Stakeholder Engagement/Satisfaction
Defined as: The School District of Mondovi will build a sense of community ownership in our schools through communication, engagement and partnerships with students, staff, and citizens to ensure academic excellence and positive citizenship for all students.
The District will develop relationships with community business owners/operators to increase student opportunities for job shadowing, internships, youth apprenticeship, and work experience.
The District will work to establish a connection between community members and the school community.
The District will develop a plan to make the building more accessible to community members and a way to engage with those that do not come into the school buildings.
The District will establish an adult/community education program that will provide the community with access to utilize the amazing resources the school has to offer.
Focus Area #3: Teaching & Learning (Curriculum & Instruction)
Defined as: The School District of Mondovi will improve student learning through a rigorous and relevant curriculum delivered by high quality educators who use innovative, research based strategies to prepare students, who are college and career ready, to compete in a global environment.
The District will develop a plan to expand student options to prepare them for life after high school.
The District will identify and implement researched based best practice instructional strategies.
The District will develop a plan to ensure the proper staffing and resources to support our special needs students as well as ALL students.
The District will develop a plan to review/refine academic assessment practices to inform instruction and support student goal setting, with a focus on teacher feedback to students and parents.
The District will create a plan to provide students and families with instructional resources and necessary accommodations to support student success.
Focus Area #4: Staff Recruitment & Retention
Defined as: The School District of Mondovi will utilize best practices to hire, develop innovative retention strategies, engage staff in the learning community, and focus on developing a skilled and talented workforce that will enable the District to achieve its mission of: Learning for ALL, Together we WILL.
The District will develop a plan to provide staff with consistent expectations regarding professionalism, trust, and communication, while maintaining accountability for all parties.
The District will reimagine Educator Effectiveness through the lens of Impactful Coaching, changing the culture towards one of continuous improvement and reflection.
The District will explore the idea of an on-site daycare for school employees as well as other community members, with the goal to build community partnerships to assist with sustainability.
The District will create a plan to promote our profession and ensure that there will be teacher candidates for future positions.
The District will explore innovative ways to address staff compensation and benefits.
The District will develop and implement a plan to improve staff culture/climate.
The District will create a plan to support and encourage professional development.