Still in need of JA Volunteers! Mondovi Elementary is still in need of 11-12 volunteers interested in teaching Junior Achievement to our students... If you are interested or would like to learn more, contact Denise Marsolek by 3-13-2020 @
almost 5 years ago, Denise Marsolek
JA 2020
Some wacky things are happening in Mrs. Julson's room!
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
wacky things in our room
wacky things in our room
wacky things in our room
wacky things in our room
Mrs. Snyder’s second graders do like green eggs and ham! Thanks to the Early Childhood class for teaching us how to make the special Seuss dish!
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Snyder
I do like green eggs and ham!
The Grinch making green eggs and ham!
Thank you Mya for reading Dr. Seuss to us!
High schoolers help us learn how to cook.
Green Grinch Day in First Grade
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
kids wearing green
March 3, 2020 Dear Parents: We have been notified by the Buffalo County Public Health Department that there is a confirmed case of pertussis (whooping cough) in a student in the Mondovi School District (High School). The Buffalo County Public Health Department has already contacted those people who may have been exposed and they have discussed further evaluation and treatment if needed. There is no correlation between pertussis and the Coronavirus. Pertussis is an illness that spreads easily by the coughing of an infected person. It begins with mild, cold-like symptoms, including cough and runny nose. These first symptoms typically appear 7-20 days after a person is exposed. The cough typically worsens over the following weeks and becomes spasmodic. The cough may be followed by a “whooping” sound. The spasms of cough may be followed by vomiting. Some persons with pertussis may have very mild symptoms (mild cough with no other symptoms) and may not realize that they are sick or contagious. Pertussis can affect anyone; however, it can be most detrimental in infants. In very young babies (less than 6 months old), pertussis can lead to bacterial pneumonia, weight loss, and dehydration. More than half of the babies with confirmed pertussis are hospitalized. Pertussis is treated with an antibiotic. Students who are prescribed antibiotics for pertussis can return to school following the fifth day of treatment. Without antibiotics, a person with pertussis is considered to be contagious for three weeks. It is important that ill students stay at home away from others (especially infants and young children). Pertussis vaccine is administered in combination with diphtheria and tetanus vaccine (DTaP) in a five-dose series and protects children against whooping cough. There is also a booster vaccine (Tdap) for adolescents and adults. Please check with your health care provider to make sure your child’s shots are up-to-date. Please watch your child for any symptoms of pertussis (mild, cold-like symptoms) over the next several weeks. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, please contact your health provider as soon as possible. For further information regarding pertussis, refer to this website: Sincerely, Greg Corning
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Teigen
Admission for today's Basketball playoff game is $5.00 for students and adults. Passes are not valid for playoff games. Go Buffs! #mondovipride
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Teigen
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
almost 5 years ago, Carie Thompson
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
almost 5 years ago, Carie Thompson
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making green eggs and ham today!
almost 5 years ago, Carie Thompson
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
Mrs. Thompson's 2nd Graders had a blast making Green Eggs and Ham today!
The Elementary Spring Music Program will be Monday, April 20th @ 6:30 in the Multi Purpose room. The program includes all students in grades 3, 4, 5, Sunrise Singers & 5th grade band.
almost 5 years ago, Dulcee Kapfer
Happy Fox in Socks Day from Mrs. G’s 1st graders!!
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Garlick
Happy Fox in Socks Day from Mrs. G’s 1st graders!!
almost 5 years ago, Nancy Garlick
- Pride of the Herd Clarification - Some questions about our Pride of the Herd Assembly were recently brought to our attention and we would like to take this opportunity to clarify what this recognition is all about. The purpose of our Pride of the Herd award is to help with changing our culture by recognizing the positive things that are happening in our school each day. We are trying to see the good in every student with this award. Every one of us experience times in our day when things are going good, and times that are challenging. As you know, we implemented a program called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) a number of years ago, and one of things we learned through our training was that the most effective way to change a behavior is through positive reinforcement. In fact, research suggests that for every negative or corrective response to a students’ behavior should be balanced with five positives. We have had two Pride of the Herd assemblies so far this year and have recognized some pretty amazing behaviors by our students. All staff members: Support Staff, Specialists, and Classroom Teachers, as well as Students, have nominated Mondovi Elementary students for the Pride of the Herd Award. Students are nominated for a variety of things: academic growth or achievement, behavioral growth, kindness, etc. Our hope is to bring out the best in our students by recognizing them for the great things that they do each and every day. Your questions and concerns are always welcomed, and are used to help us reflect and improve. Thank you for your support and PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions and/or feedback.
almost 5 years ago, Shelly Teigen
Thanks to Linda and Brian for talking to the 2nd graders today about good oral health!
almost 5 years ago, Carie Thompson
Thanks to Linda and Brian for talking to the 2nd graders today about good oral health!
Thanks to Linda and Brian for talking to the 2nd graders today about good oral health!
Thanks to Linda and Brian for talking to the 2nd graders today about good oral health!
Thank you to Brian and Linda from Kristo Orthodontics for talking to the 2nd Graders today about good oral health!
almost 5 years ago, Carie Thompson
Thank you to Brian and Linda from Kristo Orthodontics for  talking to the 2nd Graders today about good oral health!
Thank you to Brian and Linda from Kristo Orthodontics for  talking to the 2nd Graders today about good oral health!
Thank you to Brian and Linda from Kristo Orthodontics for  talking to the 2nd Graders today about good oral health!
Kristo Orthodontics gave the 2nd graders goody bags!
Cooper makes a great reading buddy!
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Snyder
Cooper is a great listener!
Everyone needs a good reading partner!
Reading with Cooper!
We love to read with Cooper!
We are learning about wants vs. needs in first grade.
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
wants vs needs
wants vs needs
Happy Valentine's Day from Mrs. Julson's
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
Valentine's kids
Valentine's kids
Valentine's kids
Happy Valentine's Day from Mrs. Julson's
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
First Grade Pride of the Herd!
almost 5 years ago, Kari Julson
Pride of the Hers